Basic Information

Name: Atsuko Saito

Age: 18

Height: 5 ft 2 in

Weight: 100 lbs

Gender: Female

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Aqua

Orientation: Bisexual

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Student

Date of Birth: March 18th


Atsuko was born to two loving parents with a lot on their plates. The mom, studying to become a pediatrician, was taking on more shifts at the hospital just to make ends meet as her father was struggling to find work as an actor. As she got older, she would try to see what she wanted to do with her life. Did she want to follow in her mother's path or her father's? Both was rewarding after years of hard work.

Atsuko's mom would eventually get tired of not seeing her husband that she started to take on more shifts just so she could speak to a certain gentleman. She would eventually get more involved with the head of the surgical department. Atsuko was eight years old when that started. It took her about a year or so, to not hate that woman for lying to her father when Atsuko had a feeling something was going on.

Eventually, her dad and her made it through perfectly fine. With a few accolades from the robotics community, her dad was one of the best robotic engineer in the world. Her mother turned out to be a great doctor, one of the top paid in the state. That affair would last for a long time. Atsuko stopped paying attention to it as she was more into her studies, than her mother's extramarrital affair. She never said anything to her father about it figuring that her mom was a grown woman who needs to fess up about her huge mistake.

Atsuko worked hard in school and got a scholarship for her academics. She missed out a lot on life though since she was always inside studying. She is naive and is scared of quite a bunch of things, but now on her own, she is making an attempt to gain more worldly knowledge that her friends have.


Naive is a good word. Shy and quiet works too. She is a sheep, no questions asked. She doesn't mind following other people around. Liking the bubble she is in, she gets scared and nervous when she has to leave it. She enjoys listening to music and studying. Watching documentaries and other educational shows make her happy and gives her a lot of useless information. She tries to stay positive all the time and keep a healthy upbeat outlook on things.


Here are just a few things listed, as the list could get quite long.

Likes: Reading, listening to classical or even instrumental jazz, learning about almost any topic. She adores mint tea or anything relating to mint, also purple is her favorite color (any shade.)

Dislikes: A lot of noise, rude people, and music that makes people angry. She isn't a fan of pickles, and doesn't like marshmallows. Snow, she doesn't like the snow either. It's the cold that bothers her.



Rose Saito, 35, Pediatrician, works long hours and occasionally sees her daughter. She is grateful that Roman doesn't know about the affair she is having with the head of the surgical department, but she has a feeling that Atsuko knows something and isn't talking. Isn't that a sweet daughter? Rose will do everything she can, to keep Roman from finding out. If he did find out, she wouldn't know what to do.


Roman Saito, 34, Robotics Engineer, works extremely long hours at times, even when working from home. He is so into his work, he barely eats and sleeps. He doesn't even notice that his wife barely sleeps in their bed or is at their home. The only person that is there most of the time is Atsuko.


Friend's name here

She needs a friend... or two.


Consider all images NSFW.


I am PM Friendly, but responses could be slowed, so be patient please.

Limits: No Gore, Scat, Blood, Bathroom play, etc.

I don't own the images. I will remove them if asked.

Any other questions, feel free to PM me.

Faceclaim: Sena Kashiwazaki

Layout © A Bad Bitch