can happen
more beautiful than

Who am I?

I am...

Name: If I must have a name, let it be Bella.
Age: Age is just a number, so let's see... Twenty-two
Height: Anywhere between... Five feet
Weight: I don't know if I should tell you. One hundred pounds
Gender: Last time I checked, Female
Hair color: That can vary. I like red
Eye color: If I had to pick a color, Blue
Orientation: I am picky, heterosexual
Relationship Status: That's simple, Single
Occupation: At the moment, unemployed
Residence: A nice house
Date of Birth: You want me age? I'll give you this... December 23rd.
Scent: I smell of flowers of course.

I would like to tell you a secret.

... That is not me right now.

Is my past that interesting to you?

The reason I told you that information was because that is who I used to be. I was married to a handsome man that treated me like a queen when he was around. You see, he was a solider in the King's army. I was a simple florist. I was known as Emma back then.

One day as I was working and my husband was out fighting a war, a rather handsome man that could charm the pants off of anyone, stopped in for a single black rose. I thought it was an odd choice, but I told him I would have to work on that one and to give me some time to do so. It wasn't an easy task. I almost became a science junkie trying to do that, but I got it. It took nearly six months of working and I produced one black rose and a few other colors I kept around. The next day, that handsome man came back in, but this time, he brought a carriage compared to just walking the first time.

The trick was already done the night before as his magic was placed upon that flower. When he asked for it, I handed it to him but not before a prick to my finger from a thorn. Raising that finger up, I removed the blood but once it touched my tongue, it didn't taste like blood. It tasted like ash. I found it odd, but just figured that my hands were dirty from the dirt I was planting the flowers in. Who knows, maybe a building burnt down before. It didn't take long for the spell to weave. One week was all it took and my eyes shifted from my husband to that other man. In the process, I killed my husband because the voices told me so. The voices that was apart of that spell. You see, when that man came in initially, he was devoid of any markings. He was clean and looked like a gentleman. Now, when I look at him, I see things that weren't there before.

A few years I stayed with that man and eventually, the spell took over and I died due to my heart turning to ash. He couldn't let me go. He brought me back with a curse. He gave me a choice of which curse I wanted. To roam the World forever being a creature that craved sex all the time, like he did, even though nothing sexually happened between us. The second, was to become a creature that would make men or women fall over themselves as my body projects their perfect partner, in the flesh. It wasn't that I was against sex, I just didn't want to crave it. I decided on the second one.

So now that you know of my past, don't use it against me okay? Just let me have my fun so that you may have fun as well. That's the point right? To let you have your fantasies and your cake?


Relative Appearance Alteration:
She can appear in a form that pertains to another's perception of what she would look like according to their personal tastes. Their appearance and behavior is perceived as being altered according to how another views them and what appeals to their tastes according to personal experiences.

Illusion Manipulation:
She can create, shape and manipulate illusions, causing people to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are.

Desire Intuition:
She can instantly/intuitively know the deepest desire of anyone that come into contact, including love, attraction, adoration, addictions, hopes and plans for the future or even for basic necessities.

She can see an aura and then absorb the desire or craving from others. She does it in such a way that the person may not notice. This is how she feeds and she tries to feed over a long period of time.

Flower Manipulation:
She can create, shape and manipulate flowers including causing flowers and parts of the flowers, including petals, stems and pollen, to grow and bloom, move/attack, mutate flowers by rearranging DNA structure, and revive withered or dead flowers.

You want to be my friend...?

No one wants to be my friend. I wonder why.

Out of Character

IC is not the same as OOC. Please distinguish between the two.

I am PM friendly and generally a nice person. I am okay with being messaged with a post or talking about plot lines.

I role play in third person only. My length of posts will vary from a few sentences to a few paragraphs.

I do prefer a long term role play over a short, but I will accept both as long as it is fun for both you and I.

Please let me know if you have to leave or be away from the computer. I understand real life happens. I will do the same for you, unless it is an emergency, which I will gladly let you know upon my return.

Coding is not mine. It belongs to her. It is the Tui layout.

The images within the profile are not mine. I will remove them upon request.

This profile is always going to be a work in progress.



Real life



Come Closer To Me